

Cakewalk Sonar X1 Producer X86 X64 Crack

Cakewalk Sonar X1 Producer X86 X64 Crack Rating: 7,2/10 5132 votes

Installing 32-bit Sonar after 64-bit?Hi, I just bought a new PC a few days ago and waited impatiently for X1 to download to see how it would work on my new 64-bit machine. I installed the 64-bit version of Sonar, of course.

But the problem I ran into was that some of the instruments in my old songs ( I assume because they're 32-bit plug-ins) wouldn't play. I have read (in some older threads) that you can install both the 64- and 32-bit versions on the one machine which might allow me to overcome this problem.However, my concern is with the fact that I've installed the 64-bit version of Sonar first. Is it okay to add the 32-bit version on now? Or should I install the 32-bit version before the 64-bit version? Also, I've already installed the X1A and X1B patches, so would that make any difference to installing the 32-bit version on top of the already-installed 64-bit version of Sonar?Thanks. Depending on how many 3rd party plugins you might have and how co-operative they are you may find the following useful. If it doesn't apply to you feel free to ignore it or use only any bits useful to you.Having both the 32 and 64 bit versions of SONAR on the same computer doesn't of itself cause any problems.

Many of us run multiple version in both 32 and 64 bit without problem.Problems can however occur when you tell SONAR to scan for VST plugins. When running 64 bit SONAR there may be 32 bit plugins that you want to run because a 64 bit version doesn't exist yet. That means having to scan the location where those 32 bit plugins are as well.That's not a problem either except that when using 32 and 64 bit versions of SONAR you may want both the 32 bit and 64 bit version of particular plugin so each program can make use of it. The rub is that some plugins don't behave and you end up with both the 32 bit and 64 bit version being scanned by SONAR's VST Scanner and you have 2 of that plugin appear.I have an additional folder just for 32 bit (x86) plugins for those where the manufacturer wants to always install both a 32 and 64 bit version. When it works properly then the 64 bit VST scanner doesn't load the 32 bit version but when it doesn't work properly it means I end up having 2 of the same plugin where the 32 bit one is also running through Bitbridge. For those plugins only I use the 3rd folder.

Working out which plugins don't cooperate has to be worked out by trial and error.To get around all that I have my system setup as follows.1. Program filesCakewalkVst PluginsManufacturerpluginAll 64 bit Plugins2. Program files (x86)CakewalkVst PluginsManufacturerpluginAll 32 bit plugins you want to run in x64 because no native 64bit version exists.3.

Program files (x86)CakewalkVST Plugins(x86) ManufacturerpluginAll 32 bit plugins for which you already have 64 bit versions and the VST scanner insists on installing the 32 bit version as well under bitbridge giving you 2 copies of the same plugin in SONAR's Plugin manager.SONAR x64 scans 1 & 2SONAR x86 scans 2 & 3Apart from folder 3 the others are all default locations if you allow SONAR to just perform it's normal installation. Mick, great minds.mudgel, thanks for the warning.I've installed the 32-bit version now. However, I've been trying to play some songs I wrote using my old 32-bit machine. I ran into a problem with Addictive Drums, which I had installed on a separate directory to Windows 7. I tried reinstalling it on the Windows drive and that seemed to work. I was also having the same problem with Dimension Pro so I tried the same thing.


But it didn't work for Dim Pro.I have both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Sonar X1 installed, but neither recognizes the Dim Pro synth(s) in my old songs.In the Cakewalk Plugin Manager, the Dimension Pro.dll file appears in my 32-bit version of X1, and the Dimension Pro x64.dll file appears in my 64-bit version of X1.Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?Thanks again. Your problem maybe that SONAR dfoesn't know where the Dim Pro sounds are.Unlike many soft synths you can't just move Dim Pro Multisample folder to another palce after its been installed.

It will mean a reinstall or a simple registry edit to Point Dim Pro at its Multisample folder.That's if I understood your last comments correctly.Backup your registry before touch anything,Navigate to HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARECakewalk Music SoftwaredpYou'll find the multisample entry. Just edit it to reflect the actual Multisamples location and close regedit.

You'll need to restart SONAR and Dim Pro. I remember when X1 came out there were a couple of demo tracks that you could download as well as X1. There were various people here (myself included) who couldn't get the Dim Pro tracks to play in one of the demos.

The way around it was to make a note of the patch name and then load a fresh instance of Dim Pro and then move the midi to it and load the patch.Just a thought.Grum.P.S. When I went to 64 bit from 32 bit it junked just about every track with a plugin so if you are just having Dim Pro trouble you are lucky.

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Mudgel, I did reinstall Dim Pro again, rather than move any files. And thanks for the registry edit option, but I'd prefer to try and find a less technical alternative first if I can - I'd prefer not to touch the registry so soon after purchasing the PC and installing Sonar. Last resort, maybe.Grum, I already attempted your workaround but since the synths won't load, I can't open Dim Pro to find out which patch it is, so I can't reload the patch.The actual error message I get when I try to load a project on either the 32- or 64-bit version of X1 says: 'The following plugins are referred to by this project but could not be found.


They may be missing or improperly installed on your system. Dimension Pro (Synth Rack).' When I went to 64 bit from 32 bit it junked just about every track with a plugin so if you are just having Dim Pro trouble you are lucky.' I thought I'd remembered some discussions on similar problems myself, but had trouble finding any when I tried a search. Anyway, I anticipated that there'd be some teething problems (I'd already had months of experience with X1!).

It seems to work okay with new projects, at least. This is semi-related.I have both 32- and 64-bit programs on my computer, so I usually install both 32- and 64-bit plugs, if available. What I've found with 64-bit programs (including Sonar) is some will see the 32-bit plug and assume that's the right one.What works for me with 64-bit Sonar is after installing the plug-ins, but before running Sonar, I move the 32-bit one out of its x86 VST folder. Then I scan, and Sonar finds the 64-bit plug. When I put the 32-bit plug back in, Sonar has already 'committed' to the 64-bit plug so that's what loads.

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John TOdd.Actually, I seem to recall a lot of people reporting a bit of pain getting their DimPro installations up and running. It was okay for me, but there were definitively some issues. Maybe someone will pop up who knows about this, but if you have a search for DimPro installation threads, you'll get plenty of results I'm sure.Tell me about it!I still haven't managed to get DP 1.5 running on my DAW yet.I can run it stand alone but can't get the vsti to show up in Sonar, either 8.5 or X1This is mainly due to running both 8.5.3 and X1 on the same pc.On the laptop which has only got X1 on it, DP 1.5 installed perfectly. Concerning plugins I create own plugin folders (and subfolders) for each DAW/version and use those ones as scan target. I do not copy the plugin DLL's into those additional folders, but instead I just create links to the original plugin DLLs (mklink. Like this I have full control which plugins are visible for each DAW/version and because I only defined links a new plugin version is automatically visible to the DAWs that have a link defined to it.

This works great and it makes plugin scanning faster if you do not define all the plugins for each DAW (what I did of several reasons). The only plugins that can not be handled like that in each DAW are VST3 plugins, because some DAWs do not allow to choose a VST3 folder (or subfolder), but have a fixed defined one (default VST3 path).

Cakewalk’s BitBridge technology allows you to use 32-bitVST effects and instruments when using the x64 version ofSONAR. Note that BitBridge server configuration is onlyavailable in SONAR Producer.32-bit VSTeffects and instruments are loaded into “servers”, andeach server can address up to 4GB of RAM.

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BitBridge supportsup to 32 independent plug-in servers, and each server canaddress up to 4GB of RAM, allowing access to a massive 128GBof RAM (the max supported by Vista Ultimate X64). This allowsSONAR x64 to address all available RAM in your computer.By default, SONARmanages memory automatically, and will allocate and allowaccess to all available RAM dynamically as plug-ins are used.This is done by dynamically creating new BitBridge serversonly when necessary, up to a maximum of the available RAM.Server loading iseither automatic or customizable, giving you full control overwhich server to load plug-ins into. To enable automatic serverloading, select Automatic (Based on available RAM). Tomanually manage BitBridge servers, select the server that youwant plug-ins to be loaded into. After a specific server isselected, all plug-ins subsequently loaded will be loaded intothat specific server, bypassing SONAR's automatic memorymanagement. This also applies when you load a project thatcontains VST plug-ins.Custom server assignments are saved with the project file.Tip: To moreoptimally use your available memory, assign memory hungryVST's to their own private BitBridge server. The actual memoryconsumed by a server instance is shown in the server list,allowing you choose which server you may want to load into.Custom serverassignments are saved with the project file.Note: Servermanagement is common for all loaded projects.

If you havemultiple projects open simultaneously, you can potentiallyoverflow the 4GB capacity of a server if the projectsreference the same server. Under this condition, a plug-in mayfail to load. If this occurs, close the current project beforeopening another project.: Cakewalk SonarPreferences VST SettingsClick Image toEnlargeNote: 'Teleport Server'is the name assigned to the BitBridge app. Error message or crashcould appears whenyou run x64 (64-bit) with x86 (32-bit) VST plug-ins. Youcould to try by managing 'Server Configuration' (Seethe instructions on the Cakewalk Sonar help).Copyright © 2004-2019 Syntheway Virtual Musical Instruments.