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DOTA 2 is a stand alonegame using the Source engine with extra rendering modifications anddeparts from its simple modification status within Warcraft 3.It incorporates many of the same types of gameplay as DOTA withfamiliar heroes, levels, and multi player activity. The stage is setwith the familiar fortresses on each corner of the screen with lanesbetween. Each fortress belongs to one of two factions, the Radiant orthe Dire. There are new and familiar heroes with many incorporatedstraight from DOTA in order to allow experienced players the ability tocarryover strategies. With over $1.6 million in developmentcosts the game itself looks amazing. The clarity of gameplay, thegraphics, and the realism moves past original DOTA gamers expectationsand brings in a new element to the feel of the game while playing. Fromthe incredible detail on even the smallest level to the overall vision,the look and feel of the game is beyond expectations.
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From the herorenderings to the spell effects, the graphics are dazzling and serve tosupport what already is an incredible game. This is all accomplishedwhile not tapping the gamers pocketbook and allowing the full system torun an a simple 2gb dual core machine given it has a decent graphicscard. DOTA 2 is also expected to incorporaterewards for experienced players to train the inexperienced as well ashaving a matching system of coaches to newer players incorporateddirectly into the interface. Knowing gamers though, the company is stillperfecting its ways of identifying and dealing with coaches that havemalicious and less that altruistic intentions in adopting the lessexperienced. The coaching mechanism is not a primary feature, but simplyan example of what is expected in the final versions of DOTA 2 havingbeen carried froward from the Beta. Overall the Dota 2 looks solid witheverything that is expected and with surprisingly improved graphics. Theteam matching and other newer options are welcome though many arelooking for a post match chat room, something that was rumored, but notfound in the Beta and there is no hint if it will be added in the finalrelease.
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This stand alone makes the limitations of the original DOTAmodification to the Warcraft 3 base abundantly clear and it is amazingthat even with those limitations so many have enjoyed countless hours ofchallenging gameplay. DOTA 2 is simply what it was as DOTA and more, much more.